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Second College Grant, NH

Second College Grant ASCC Site Featured in the Dartmouth Alumni Magazine

The Dartmouth Alumni Magazine January - February 2020 issue features the Second College Grant ASCC site. 

"The Fate of the Forest" article highlights the leadership and innovation of Kevin Evans (Director of Woodlands, Dartmouth College), Tony D'Amato (Professor, University of Vermont), and Chris Woodall (Research Forester, USDA Forest Service Northern Research Station) in managing Dartmouth's Second College Grant, the New England ASCC Network site. 

Small Mammals, Mycorrhizal Fungi, and Forest Regeneration

Small mammals and mycorrhizal fungi are integral component to forests, yet much remains unknown about how their interactions contribute to the health and resiliency of forests. At the Second College Grant ASCC installation in northern New Hampshire, University of New Hampshire researchers are studying the role of small mammals (mice, voles, chipmunks) in dispersing mycorrhizal fungi and subsequent effects on forest regeneration. 

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