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Second College Grant - Impacts

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Climate Change Impacts

Key projected climate change impacts that the project team considered for the Second College Grant include: 

  • Increasing wind and ice events leading to crown and other forest damage 

  • Increasing moisture stress due to drought as well as above-average precipitation periods, leading to more damage from pests and diseases and potential reduced growth 

  • Loss of key species or functional groups critical for maintaining ecosystem services 

Climate change will present challenges and opportunities for accomplishing the management objectives of the Second College Grant, including: 

  • Several dominant tree species in these stands, such as sugar maple, are projected to have reduced habitat suitability under future climate scenarios

  • Dominant tree species face increased threats in the future from introduced insects and diseases

  • Some tree species found nearby are expected to have increased habitat suitability, including red oak, red maple, white pine, and eastern hemlock

  • Habitat suitability for yellow birch and red spruce is not expected to change substantially in northern New Hampshire