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Muller et al. Paper on MN ASCC Highlighted in the Minnesota Daily

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The research taking place on the Cutfoot Experimental Forest ASCC site on the Chippewa National Forest in northern Minnesota was recently highlighted in the Minnesota Daily. 

University of Minnesota PhD Candidate, Jacob Muller, recently published the first data-driven research paper on the Cutfoot Experimental Forest ASCC site in Forest Ecology and Management. The Minnesota Daily article highlights Muller's research assessing the performance of future climate-adapted tree species in a northern Minnesota pine forest ecosystem. The article also includes quotes from Dr. Brian Palik, Research Ecologist with the USDA Forest Service Northern Research Station and site lead for the Cutfoot Experimental Forest ASCC site, and Dr. Linda Nagel, Professor and Department Head of the Forest and Rangeland Stewardship Department at Colorado State University and ASCC Network Lead and Principal Investigator. 

You can read the full article here: 

MN ASCC Site highlighted in MN Daily

Rademacher, Natalie. (September 9, 2019.) Research explores strategies for how forests can adapt to climate change. Minnesota Daily. Retrieved from

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Cutfoot EF ASCC Site highlighted in Minnesota Daily