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Minnesota ASCC Site Lead and Graduate Student Featured in KARE11 Video Interview

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Jamie Mosul, Research Assistant and Graduate Student at the University of Minnesota, and Dr. Brian Palik, Research Ecologist with the USDA Forest Service Northern Research Station and site lead for the Chippewa National Forest ASCC site in Minnesota, were both featured in a recent video interview with KARE11. Jamie and Brian spoke with KARE11 reporter Greg Vandegrift on how climate change could impact the Northwoods in Minnesota and the climate change adaptation work taking place to prepare Minnesota's forests for the future through the ASCC experimental study site on the Chippewa National Forest. 

You can watch the full video here: 

KARE11 video interview on the MN ASCC Site

Vandegrift, Greg. (2019, August 2). Climate may change Minnesota’s iconic north woods. KARE11. Retrieved from

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KARE11 video interview with Dr. Brian Palik and University of Minnesota Graduate Student, Jamie Mosul