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ASCC National

Dr. Linda Nagel Receives 2019 CO/WY Society of American Foresters Citizenship Award

Dr. Linda Nagel, ASCC Network Lead and Principal Investigator, and Professor and Department Head of the Forest and Rangeland Stewardship Department at Colorado State University, was awarded the 2019 CO/WY Society of American Foresters (SAF) Citizenship Award. The Citizenship Award recognizes an SAF member or non-member for their service to the local community and the improvement of the image of the forestry profession.

ASCC Network and Partners Featured in The New York Times

A recent New York Times article written by Moises Velasquez-Manoff featured the ASCC Network, highlighting the work taking place at the Chippewa National Forest ASCC site in Minnesota. The article features Brian Palik, the Chippewa National Forest ASCC Site Lead, as well as our partners and ASCC Network leads at the Northern Institute of Applied Climate Science (NIACS), Chris Swanston and Maria Janowiak. Check it out here and learn about some of the tremendous climate adaptation work being done across the U.S.

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