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The Jones Center at Ichauway, GA

Meet George Jensen, New Graduate Student Researching Fire at the Jones Center

George Jensen is a first year graduate student working with Dr. Ben Knapp at University of Missouri and Dr. Seth Bigelow at the Jones Center at Ichauway. He will conduct research on the influence of Resistance, Resilience, and Transition treatments on fire behavior and effects in longleaf pine ecosystems. George previously worked as a Conservation Biologist for the Endangered Resources section of the Wisconsin DNR and as a wildland firefighter out west.

Sean Reynolds Successfully Defends Thesis Research on Physiological Responses of Turkey Oak in Transition Treatments

At the Jones Center at Ichauway, a site dominated by longleaf pine (Pinus palustris Mill.) in southwestern Georgia, one of the main climate change effects being considered under the ASCC project is increased temperature and drought stress. In the transition plots at the Jones Center, where management is aimed at actively changing the ecosystem to encourage adaptive responses to these stressors, one approach is a shift in the hardwood component of the forest towards more xeric species, including turkey oak (Quercus laevis Walt.).

The Jones Center ASCC Site - Prescribed Fire Monitoring Treatments

The Joseph W. Jones Ecological Research Center ASCC site (a.k.a. The Jones Center) has begun implementing prescribed fire treatments in the ASCC plots this spring. This season’s fire assessments are based around individual hardwoods to help inform the spatial extent of hardwood impacts on fire energy release within the ASCC treatment plots. Andy Whelan, Research Associate II at the Jones Center, is leading this effort, along with Dr. Seth Bigelow, Forest Ecologist at the Jones Center and the ASCC Site Lead.

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